Secure Webmail: (roundcube)
_ _ _ _ | | | | | | | | _ _ _ __ ___| |_ __ _| |__ | | ___ _ __ | | | | | | '_ \/ __| __/ _` | '_ \| |/ _ \ | '_ \| | | |_| | | | \__ \ || (_| | |_) | | __/_| | | | | \__,_|_| |_|___/\__\__,_|_.__/|_|\___(_)_| |_|_| Who enters my domain? |
up 231 days, 12:08, load average: 0.48, 0.19, 0.11 CPU temp: 52.0°C, HDD temp: 33° C, disk reads: 0.00 k/s, writes: 0.00 k/s |
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"It can only be the thought of verdure to come, which prompts us in the autumn to buy these dormant white lumps of vegetable matter covered by a brown papery skin, and lovingly to plant them and care for them. It is a marvel to me that under this cover they are labouring unseen at such a rate within to give us the sudden awesome beauty of spring flowering bulbs. While winter reigns the earth reposes but these colourless green ideas sleep furiously." -- Entry from a competition to give a meaningful interpretation to Chomsky's supposedly meaningless sentence (cf. Syntactic Structures, Chomsky 1957) |
``Individual Thought Patterns''; Sapere Aude!
The hardware of, everything fits in a cardboard box (click for larger photo)
UNSTABLE.NL is a modest server that supports freedom and privacy. This server runs exclusively on Free Software, and nothing less. Free as in free speech, that is. It is also an experiment in energy efficiency, as its hardware is selected for modesty, not performance. It uses about 20 Watt, compared to 100 Watt and up for plain desktops and servers.
This server is operated by Andreas van Cranenburgh, see my personal homepage.
I can be reached at (GPG key).
This site looks best in elinks.
Mini-ITX --'s cheap, small low-power hardware.