Self Help page
Securing your e-mail
- First and foremost, have a good password. See below.
- If you use you will talk with this server securely, because plaintext connections are not allowed. There's Webmail but you can also use your own e-mail program, instructions are available for Thunderbird, Evolution and (shudder) Outlook (Express).
- The previously mentioned encryption will not help if you don't trust me, the administrator of It will also not help if your mail will travel to another mail server, such as someone else's ISP. To guard against that you need "end-to-end" encryption, instead of Transport Layer Security (TLS). Read the GPG mini howto to learn how to use end to end encryption. Send me an encrypted mail if you get it working :)
Having a good password
- It's not only to protect yourself against attacks, it's also important for others that use that your password is difficult enough.
- Most passwords of 6 characters can be cracked in one second, locally. A password with 8 characters is a good start, the longer the better.
- There are English and Dutch dictionaries checking that your password is not in the dictionary, because attackers can use this to crack your password with almost zero effort. Note that this includes names.
- A good way to create memorizable passwords is to take a sentence and to use the first letter of every word. Eg "Ask not for whom the bell tolls" becomes "an4wtbt". You can add capitalisation and/or symbols (like ',;/?) to improve your password further.
- Change your password as often as you like, especially if you suspect that anyone knows it.
- Your password can be changed with this tool. Choose a new password which complies with the guidelines given above.
Exchanging files with people
- E-mail should not be used to exchange big files. Instead try to send the file(s) directly from one computer to the other. Sometimes this is not possible because of firewalls and routers. In this case you can use your homepage on The files should be uploaded to your homepage by putting them in the ~/www directory with eg. WinSCP or another sftp client (see Member services for a list of clients) and you can give direct links to the people who want your files.
- Dropbox (ask me for an invite if you need one)